A love in verse


Performed by

Our white-walled houses facing west

Catch the sunset’s final glow

Dusk forms in branches as I mow

Then sit to take in evening’s best – 

The hush that falls despite the sound

Of sundry people homeward bound

As if this blessedness weren’t enough

Within the faint-lit house there waits

One lovely person who elates

My spirits when the going’s tough

And when everything’s going well

She makes them better by her spell

She charms me just by being there – 

It’s such a happy life we share!


“I Love Alison”

Darkness has won - though street-lamps soldier on 

Still overall oblivion’s in the sky

Thick and ruthless enemy of the eye...

Hope +

Even the dull eternal afternoon 

Lit dustily by sun on the Eastern side

Of dear old Mafeking gleams...