A love in verse

King of the Cowboys

Performed by
David Hemsted

Years ago I used to feel

Cut off from the human race

Defiant though, I’d say “The deal

Is this – I’ll rule some empty place

Large, deserted – and despite despair – 

I’ll be King of the Cowboys there”

A desert island, if you like

Sad but sod it! on a crag

Up high, a regal pose I’d strike

“I’m King of the Cowboys” I would brag 

(Some memory I’d disinterred

From childhood cinema, though absurd)

And I’d be sitting there today

Had I not seen you in a dream

And built a boat and come away

To find you but – no more a dream – 

I found you – you gave me a smile and

Said “Keep off that bleedin’ island!”


Speed Her to Me

The clouds are breaking to the south

Sunlight is sifting through

And now I’m dreaming of the mouth...


Your bum is better than Venus’s arse

I dwell upon it constantly

Two rounded hillocks of real class...