A love in verse


Performed by

I’m a classicist of the old school

I’m into rhyming, iambs, dactyls

Go blank sometimes, but essentially cool

In the classical manner even if it kills

And the ancient themes of love and that

And growing old and missing old places – 

And having a Muse? – I’m where it’s at!

I got the best – the finest of faces

Like Cleopatra or Helen of Troy

Only better! – sorry yours ain’t classic

My Muse sure makes me a lucky boy

It’s not for me money – she knows I’m brassic

Take away the T and she’s fantasic!


Raison d’Etre

Let the waving world of leaves

Chatter away at the ends of trees

Let moons turn gold, let come what please...


The leaves hang low now with the weight of summer,

Swallow you up along the sun-flecked path

Only your legs I see...