A love in verse

The Real McCoy

Performed by

Well, are there words to tell it all?

On eighty odd years to set the seal, 

One aphoristic phrase to call

A lifetime’s deeds and thoughts to heel?

The Truth of Love I finally choose;

A world of slaughter and cruelty

Cannot diminish or confuse

Its splendid relevance to me

Embracing the false to find the true

I lived a life on the qui vive

Protecting my own was what was due-

This world of war I’ve learned to leave

“Folding to myself a joy”

I found less good than opening wide

To let joy, which is love, abide

With all I meet, never to cloy

This is it, the real McCoy


The Love We Share

The kids weren’t there; the sun walled up with cloud

What wan Sunday noon we walked from church into!

Our walls seemed wet...

The Constant Flower

I do predict the evening primrose stays

Alive in some last blooms to make for you

(And me) a sudden remake of the ray....