A love in verse

Spring Without You

Performed by

No, it could never be the same-

And yet the cherry tree two doors down

Exploded in pink as if to drown

Our winter blues and put to shame

Old tears- this and a bright blue sky

Enchants- ? No, smacks me in the eye!

It’s not spring yet, but these fine trailers

May cheer a fellow recently numb

With sadness and though spring will come

With one of its most famous failures-

It cannot raise you from the earth;

It cannot give you second birth-

Yet even so, remembering how

Like spring you were, to spring I bow.


End of August

You lay on the bed, your words kiss my ears

Behind me you speak, resting in the heat

In the afternoon. The words my heart hears...


Lights everywhere – long lights along a road.

Gold globes around a common estate 

Small lights in high rise flats....