A love in verse

Spring Without You

Performed by

No, it could never be the same-

And yet the cherry tree two doors down

Exploded in pink as if to drown

Our winter blues and put to shame

Old tears- this and a bright blue sky

Enchants- ? No, smacks me in the eye!

It’s not spring yet, but these fine trailers

May cheer a fellow recently numb

With sadness and though spring will come

With one of its most famous failures-

It cannot raise you from the earth;

It cannot give you second birth-

Yet even so, remembering how

Like spring you were, to spring I bow.


You Are Here

You are here 

The walls lose the sun, the last shard

Of light caught beneath the eaves...

We Need a Lift

Nothing luminous everything drab, 

The streets are wet without the cheer of rain

The window plants...